Health Ministry Program

Health Ministry
with Parish Nurse: Bonnie Biskup R.N., B.S.N.
The Parish Nurse/ Health Ministry program at Freedom Plains United Presbyterian Church places emphasis on the mind, body, spirit wellness of the congregation. The Parish Nurse’s office is a center for health monitoring, personal health education, emotional and spiritual support.
The parish nurse acts as health counselor and educator, advocate for the congregation, and communication link with community health services to provide referrals. Health education brings blood pressure screenings, mini health classes, health-topic lending library, mind, body, spirit bulletin boards and articles on topics of current interest.
As part of the pastoral care team, the parish nurse will resume making visits to hospitals, nursing homes, and funeral parlors to support and pray with you and your loved ones when it once again becomes possible to do so. The parish nurse will be available after the worship service on most Sundays when it once again becomes possible to conduct normal in-person worship services.
You can reach Bonnie by phone at (845) 724-5631. Do not hesitate to call!
Bonnie Biskup, R.N., B.S.N., Parish Nurse
Season of Hope (November, 2020)
Bridge Over Troubled Waters (April, 2020)
Corona Virus - COVID-19 (March, 2020)
Use the Good China (February, 2020)
Get Back in the Sleigh (December, 2019)
The Gathering (November, 2019)