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Pastor Nominating commitee

Committee Members


I have been a member of Freedom Plains United for 34 years, ever since I moved back to Poughkeepsie. I have served as a Deacon and an Elder as well as Clerk of Session for 13 years. I’ve been the chair of the Christian Ed committee and I teach Sunday School. I organized and ran the rummage sale for 10+ years. Years ago I started the churches participation in Midnight Run to NYC, was president of the women’s association and organized women’s events such as Calendar Girls and retreats to Holmes. I’ve also been blessed to participate in ASP and Bridges to Community where you realize you can serve your community even if it’s miles away from your home. I am deeply connected to the ministry of FPUPC where we strive to work and worship together spreading the love of God while supporting each other and our communities. I am honored to be on the nominating committee looking for our next minister. 



My name is Liz Foerst, and I live in Lagrange, only several minutes away from our wonderful church.  My wife, children and I have been coming to the church since 2019.  Our triplets were baptized here during the pandemic, solidifying my family's connection here.  I was drawn to the church to deepen my relationship with God, raise my kids in the Christian faith, and to feel accepted in a faith/religious community as a member of the LGBTQ+ community.  I feel eternally blessed to have found all three here at Freedom Plains.



I and my wife Annvida moved to NY 8 years ago. In the Spring of 2016, we began worshiping at FPUPC. I am currently serving as an Elder and am the chairperson of the Christian Education committee. Since joining Freedom Plains, I have volunteered where I am needed, taught Sunday School for Jr. High, currently teach the Sunday morning adult Bible study. My life's focus has always been on God and my family, including my church family. Looking forward to continuing God's work at FPUPC.



My family and I first became involved in Freedom Plains United by participating for ten years with ASP.  My husband and I then became members of the church. I am a retired AHS Social Studies teacher. I am currently an Elder on Session. and a member of the Misson Committee. I recently served on the Interim Pastor Search Committee. I appreciate and enjoy the sense of community at FPUPC. My hobbies include hiking, walking, traveling, gardening, and reading.



I have been a member of Freedom Plains United Presbyterian Church since 2017. My daughter Mikayla was baptized and confirmed here. I have volunteered to teach Sunday school, and I am presently serving as a Deacon. I live in Hyde Park. I am a history educator by calling and profession, in New York City. My hobbies and favorite things include visiting historic sites, museums and theatre as well as nature photography.



My wife Julie and I joined the church last summer after attending service for about 4 years. This would be the first church position for me. I do attend Sunday morning Bible study and volunteer with the church at the Lunch Box.I live in LaGrange, work as the training director for Local #3 (electricians) in White Plains, love FPUPC, and look forward to helping out in any way that I can.



A Union Vale resident for about 30 years, I work for Montefiore Medical Center and chair the Mid-Hudson Parkinson’s group. Drawn by its warmth, inclusivity, and dedication to service by and for all, I joined Freedom Plains United Presbyterian Church thirteen years ago. Since then, I have served as a Deacon and am starting my third term as Elder. During that time, I have served on the Personnel Committee and been a lay reader. My interests/passions include reading, hiking, travel, tai chi/qigong, dogs and horses. And, of course, my two children, David and Lizzie, and two grandchildren, Hannah and Sophia.

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