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“Stewardship is the responsive practice of Christians making proper use of the gifts God has given them for the sake of God’s work in the world.” This is a key theme of a paper approved by the 213th General Assembly entitled “Stewardship Theology 2001”. The paper, in its entirety, is available at the Presbyterian Church USA website.


The following is a summary of some ideas of what it means to be a good steward, as discussed in this paper. These ideas arise from the Bible and the work of well respected theologians.


First of all, a steward recognizes that “the earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it.” (Psalm 24:1-2). A steward must realize that he/she also belongs to the Lord. Although stewards are given much freedom, they are not self-ruling. God, the owner, will review their work.


Further, stewards are not merely caretakers. They are expected to make improvements. Stewards do not give because they happen to have enough to give. “Stewards have received what they have for the very purpose of giving it away.”


The work of the steward should reflect the character and purposes of the owner. Therefore, “our stewardship should bear witness to the love, mercy and grace of the triune God.” In our work as stewards, spiritual practice, including praying, reading the Scriptures, participating in worship and the sacraments, is required to stay attune with God’s goals.


As you can see, being a good steward is not a simple task! Fortunately, we have God as our guide. Let us remember to seek His guidance continually.


Regular Offerings are the most important source of income for FPUPC's annual operating budget.  Pledges help provide the leadership of the church with a more accurate estimate of the income that FPUPC can expect to receive from this source so that next year's budget will be more accurate.  You can help this effort by submitting a pledge to support the church's 2021 operating budget by clicking on this button:

ways you can GIVE

There are many ways to make a contribution to the church. Our congregants donate their time and their unique talents everyday to keep Freedom Plains United running. If you would like to make a monetary donation, here are some ways you can do that. 



To donate in person, just place  your contribution in the collection plate during the Sunday service, or bring it to the church office at 1168 Route 55,

Lagrangeville, NY 12540


Just click on the button below to charge a donation to a credit or debit card or to have it deducted from a checking or savings account,

Through your


Set up a one-time or recurring payment to the church using the Bill Pay feature of your checking account. 


You can mail in your contribution to:
Freedom Plains United Presbyterian Church
PO Box 400
Lagrangeville, NY 12540


The answers may be in the list of frequently asked questions that this link takes you to!

Donate stock

Click on the following button to view the instructions for donating stock to FPUPC:


If you have a donor-advised fund at Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon, you can request a grant to FPUPC by clicking on the following button:

Freedom Plains United

(845) 452-0684

1168 Route 55 

LaGrangeville, NY 12540


Office Hours:

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri  9-2pm

Wed 10-3pm

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