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Programs at FPUPC

Our church has many programs that help us grow in faith. From the School of Sacred Music to our Health Ministry program, we are a community centered in meaningful connections with one another. Read on to learn more.


Learning about God

Christ teaches us that all are welcome and all are worthy. Christ teaches us to forgive even when we don’t want to; to show respect when we don’t have it in us. Church should be a safe place where we are nurtured and challenged to live a life that shows Christ’s love. This is what we aim to do in all our Christian Ed. programs, ranging from Sunday School to Confirmation to Youth Fellowships, and Adult Education. Read on to see what else we regularly do to foster the faith in our community.

Kids in Church
Junior and Senior High Youth Fellowships

6th through 8th graders are invited to join our Junior High Youth Fellowship and 9th through 12th graders are invited to join our Senior High Youth Fellowship. Both fellowships offer the opportunity for young people to enjoy social events with their peers and to grow in their Christian faith.

A Developmental Readiness Program
Nursery School

Our Freedom Plains Church Nursery School is a developmental readiness program guiding and encouraging each child in their social, physical, emotional and cognitive growth. The children learn by “doing” and having first hand experiences in all of the above areas. We provide a quality nursery school experience in warm, safe environment where each child feels comfortable and confident. We currently offer 2 days per week or 3 days per week morning programs for 3-year-olds and 3 days per week or 4 days per week programs for 4-year-olds.  


You are encouraged to call the director of the nursery school, Kelly Burghardt (845) 485-1145 to set up an appointment for a personal tour of our school, or for additional registration information.


You can find the Nursery School’s current tuition and fee schedule by clicking on "Online Giving" on our "Give" page and then scrolling to the Nursery School Monthly Tuitions and Nursery School One-Time Fees sections of the donations page.

School of Sacred Music

The School of Sacred Music at Freedom Plains United is not currently open, but for a list of our regular classes, and more info visit their page here:

Doctor's Desk
with Parish Nurse: Bonnie Biskup

The Parish Nurse/ Health Ministry program at Freedom Plains United Presbyterian Church places emphasis on the mind, body, spirit wellness of the congregation. The Parish Nurse’s office is a center for health monitoring, personal health education, emotional and spiritual support.


The parish nurse acts as health counselor and educator, advocate for the congregation, and communication link with community health services to provide referrals.  Health education brings blood pressure screenings, mini health classes, health-topic lending library, mind, body, spirit bulletin boards and Herald articles.


You can reach Bonnie by phone at (845) 724-5631. Click the button below for links to Health Ministry Articles and more information.


Bonnie Biskup, R.N., B.S.N., Parish Nurse

Freedom Plains United

(845) 452-0684

1168 Route 55 

LaGrangeville, NY 12540


Office Hours:

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri  9-2pm

Wed 10-3pm

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